Physical Count
Note: In order to perform a physical count the role of the logged-in user must include the Consumable Inventory feature.
Physical inventories are used to either update or verify the information in your consumable inventory. You are able to record physical inventory counts with IntelliTrack Mobile.
Note: The entries on the form throughout the application may be scanned or entered via the keypad. If drop-down fields are available, entries may be selected from the drop-down field list.
To perform a physical inventory count, each item is entered and updated with a UOM-location-quantity. Various factors effect the physical count process:
- Default unit of measure: division uses a default unit of measure; it does not support multiple units of measure; see "Counting an Item with a Default Unit of Measure"
- Multiple units of measure: division allows items to contain multiple units of measure; see "Counting an Item with Multiple Units of Measure Allowed"
- Serial number: serial number is required for the item; see "Counting a Serialized Item"
- Lots: lot is required for the item; see "Physical Count Lot"
- Expiration date: expiration date is required for the item; see "Physical Count Expiration Date"
- RFID: RFID tag is allowed for the item, but is not required.
- Inventory Preference Settings: they include default last location and default quantity; see "User Preferences" for more information.